Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2110 Jefferson St., Kansas City, MO

Was the address of the two-story house, in a definitely poorer section of town that my adopted grandparents, Thomas Earl Garrett and Grace Garrett owned.

I do not know if my adoptive Grandparents ‘operated’ a Boarding House, rented out rooms, or just let those in need stay, but at any given time, a lot of people lived there such as Irene Fuqua and two of her children (older than I) Dale and Donna Fuqua in one room, my Mom, Dad, and I in another. At various times, many lived there and became my ‘extended’ family if not actually related in some way.

I think I lived there, with my illegally (or a poor person’s adoption) adopted Parents Aldine Estes and Clyde Estes, until I was 4 or 5 years old.

Indeed, I was born there, on the dining room table, caught by a doctor who was smoking a cigar during my birth, of Irene Fuqua (Later, Irene Taber; check out ancestry.com). It was a Tuesday mid afternoon and there was a snowstorm going on outside. I was immediately handed over to my adoptive Mother Aldine Estes (Though my ‘natural’ mother, Irene was an integral part of my life until way into my adult years.).

I was named after someone, but now the reason is unknown: Evelyn Ann Estes.

Since my Mother worked mostly full time, my beloved adoptive Grandparents guided my first years.

I have many ‘stories’ or remembrances about that house that I hope to relate in this memoir!

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