Friday, February 20, 2009

Loretto Academy, Kansas City, MO

Though no one in my family was Catholic, I attended this all-girl Catholic School from about 1950-1957 (ages 4-8). It was a majestic old building at 1111 W. 39th St. Kansas City, Missouri.

I ended up going to Loretto Academy because, having been at home with my Grandparents, Grace & Thomas ‘Earl’ Garrett, for my first 4 years; I did not tolerate any other day care my Mother tried!

I do not know if we moved to the 39th St. apartment (a whole other story), which was just down the street from Loretto Academy, before or after I started school there.

The Sisters at Loretto Academy were patient, loving, and above all, teachers. I soaked it up like the proverbial sponge. I was shown a way of life I hadn’t seen at home. Academically, I did very well there (I still have the report cards), which wasn’t the case once I left.

Our uniforms consisted of a white blouse topped by a blue jumper. (Me at about age 6) -------->

In the few short years I spent there, (with my Mother’s permission) I was baptized Catholic, went to first confession and first communion. I also gained a deep faith, which I have kept the rest of my life, though I remained the only Catholic in my immediate family.

I have only fond memories of Loretto Academy, and often wondered what my life might have been like had I gone to that school till I graduated.

Oh, but I DID graduate from Loretto Academy! I graduated from kindergarten! Here is the picture to prove it.

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